Camunda Architecture Best Practices

Introduction At CapBPM, we have extensive experience in Camunda Cloud architecture design and implementation. We understand the importance of connecting the workflow engine with your world, and have developed best practices for doing so. In this article, we will share our insights and strategies for drafting your Camunda Cloud architecture and ensuring seamless integration with […]

Overcoming Camunda’s Biggest Weakness

As someone who has worked with Camunda for almost 10 years, and one of the few people on the planet who are certified in it, I can unequivocally say that it’s a wonderful platform for process automation.  I like its scalability. Camunda is designed to handle large volumes of data and processes, and it can be […]

I Loved UML. But It Never Loved Me Back.

I have to admit that I have a weakness for UML diagrams. In the early 90’s, as a new computer science student, light headed with the promise of OO languages, I loved the simplicity of UML.  I loved the way it allowed complex system interactions and user needs to be abstracted away and objectively communicated. […]

5 Things About Camunda Instance Migration

Introduction Camunda has, in my opinion, one of the best capacities for process instance migrations in any platform. But don’t let that fool you. Just because Camunda is good at migration, that doesn’t mean it’s an easy thing to do! Today, we’ll talk about five things you need to consider as you migrate instances from […]