
What you need to know when sizing your Camunda Environment

In order to successfully operate Camunda, you need to take into account operation requirements when modeling business processes. You will want to use your existing tools and infrastructure for technical monitoring and alarming. This includes understand influencing aspects of performance and apply tuning strategies appropriately. As you size your environment for Camunda appropriately this will include provisioning sufficient Hardware/Compute and Database/Disk space.

What factors matter most with Camunda?

Unlike a lot of others, you don’t actually have to buy big hardware to size your Camunda environment. It really only hinges on two factors.

  1. The container\application server you want to use
  2. The amount of “Java working” your application has to do. Normally, this is your Delegation code.

How does all of that tie into your Compute?

Compute, not only Hardware, since Camunda can run in a container and ties directly to specific metrics that will map into demands you make on your system. This relates to factors such as:

  1. High Availability
  2. Virtualization
  3. Your Server Class(small, medium, large)
  4. And your disk space

